Saturday, May 14, 2011

Because of Alberta

As much as I wanted to move home- we did get to have many new experiences that we would not have had if we'd not made a move.  Some of which are...
  • Time together as our little foursome 
  • Art classes at the AGA
  • Many fun trips to Calgary
  • Banff
  • Jasper
  • Tour for Kids Alberta - 500k in the mountains and foothills
  • Panorama- skiing in the mountains
  • Californina, Disneyland, Legoland, fun with friends
  • San Francisco
  • Seattle
  • Silver Tide swim club (Skylar)- wow was that awesome for her!
  • I can swim with STSC for Summer
  • Horseback riding for Summer (when in Rome..)
  • Swim Gym for Summer
  • Millennium Place
  • Triathlon, learning to swim freestyle, triathlon in the snow :)
  • New friends- Vivian, Kassie, Brett, the Jessica O and C, Kris and Rob and co. 
Wow- we are lucky- that was a lot of fun in 3 years..and not even counting all the little things in there (farmers markets, cycling in the farmland,backyard camping when the tent blows away..)