Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Excitement

A few pictures from the last week.  The girls ready for the  St. Albert's Children's TheatreThis year they put on High School Musical.  The girls really enjoyed it.

The kids Christmas concert- which was about Christmas (Noel) being stolen and finding out it really resides in our hearts.  The concert was so good- one big thing we will miss from their school is the music program.
 Summer getting ready for the big night at Millennium Place.
Skylar with her hair down- yes I paid her 5$ to wear her hair down and I can't believe this is the only photo I took of her!  First time her hair has been down in over a year- she won't even sleep with it down.  
 Summer (in the green dress) during the grade ones song.
Decorating the Christmas tree- they did the whole tree on their own as I was still making fragunes and there wasn't any room on this little tree for my decorations and theirs!  Soon they will need to have their own tree.

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