Friday, January 28, 2011

The next 4 weeks..

Yikes!  I knew February would be busy but in the next 4 weeks we have:

32 trips to MP to the pool
8 trips to Kinsmen downtown
4 parties
3 swim meets (one is 2 day)
3 more sparks 
3 days off of school
2 volunteer days at school
1 school dance
1 track meet
1 trip to Calgary

and as of the 7th we are down to 1 car, and of course we can't forget the movers, the packing, the cleaning of the house and the super organization that must occur sometime during these next four weeks less a day! No stress at all :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011



Christmas morning

A great Christmas morning with the girls, here are a some pictures...
 And on the other side is Finn-Sadly Santa didn't bring me one of these.  I did ask..
 Sky with her Chatimal from Summer.  He repeats what you say.  Needless to say the little guinea pig has a potty mouth.
 Groovy girls for Summer from her big sister.
 Summer with her new zhuzhu pet.
 Skylar and her beloved Star Wars lego
The missing chipettes- Eleanor and Jeanette have finally joined the rest of the crew.  A little someone was very happy!
 I love this picture of Summer playing with her new doll and her doll clothes.  So sweet.
 Our Christmas tree with Summer's homemade topper.  You can't even tell our tree is missing its top!


Christmas seems like a lifetime ago.  Although it was only a month ago so much has happened in that month getting ready for our move in less than a month now.  Here are  a few pictures from our last Christmas in Alberta.  

 Our annual gingerbread house decorating.  This year we opted for one house and it went very well.  Our neighbours Roger and Michelle and their kids came over and decorated one too.  Bryan is hard at work on the tree- totally focused.
 Kassie's 10th Birthday surprise breakfast at Smitty's on Christmas Eve!
 Mount Edmonton- in our backyard.
 Christmas Eve log cake- yummy!
 Christmas Eve snacks and our little cuties!
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care... Summer was very hard to photograph- it reminded me of the Christmas when she was 3 and Bry held her upside down for a picture!  She wouldn't keep still.  Aunt Nat will remember that one.
The reading of Twas the Night Before Christmas.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Story Time

A little reading time and the most tolerant cat in the world.

School Christmas parties

The kids had Christmas parties with their classes before school let out for the break.  Summer's class put on a little in class concert to a packed audience of parents and grandparents in the classroom.  Too cute.  
 Yes she's taller than everyone else just about- but she is standing next to the smallest girl in her class as well.
 Playing cards with Jessica.

 Skylar and her group of friends- from the left- Jonah, Matthew, Brett and Nolan.  She fits right in with these silly posers.

A little clip from Summer's concert-