Thursday, January 27, 2011


Christmas seems like a lifetime ago.  Although it was only a month ago so much has happened in that month getting ready for our move in less than a month now.  Here are  a few pictures from our last Christmas in Alberta.  

 Our annual gingerbread house decorating.  This year we opted for one house and it went very well.  Our neighbours Roger and Michelle and their kids came over and decorated one too.  Bryan is hard at work on the tree- totally focused.
 Kassie's 10th Birthday surprise breakfast at Smitty's on Christmas Eve!
 Mount Edmonton- in our backyard.
 Christmas Eve log cake- yummy!
 Christmas Eve snacks and our little cuties!
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care... Summer was very hard to photograph- it reminded me of the Christmas when she was 3 and Bry held her upside down for a picture!  She wouldn't keep still.  Aunt Nat will remember that one.
The reading of Twas the Night Before Christmas.

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