Saturday, November 27, 2010

Skylar's swim meet 10 & under series

Skylar had her third swim meet last Sunday- a very cold day was spent melting inside Fountain Park in St.Albert.  She did very well in all her swims beating her times for all her swims(ribbons).  She raced  butterfly for the first time- it was a lot of work for her- just to do her best at 50m at fly- and that is a hard stroke!  You could see in her swim that it was taking everything in her just to get to that wall at the end of her 50.  
I love the social part that goes along with swim club  for Skylar- the kids have so much fun together and the swimming is somewhat secondary at this stage.

Pre warm ups- before all their swimmers had arrived.
Getting ready for back stroke- she did great on her backstroke till she flipped turned then she forgot and started back doing free style.  As soon as she remembered she flipped back on her back and finished her swim.  Her coaches reassured her that she was not the only one who had made a similar mistake.  Awesome coaches- Chelby and Erica!
Watching the starter, now ready to dive (lane 2)
The fun had while passing time waiting for their swims.

A little video of her favourite stroke- breastroke- in which she came in 2nd in her heat!

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