Monday, November 22, 2010

Universal Studios

We drove to Hollywood to spend a day at Universal Studios.  The kids had fun meeting characters and going on rides- including some scary ones- Jurassic Park, Revenge of the Mummy, the Simpsons ride (which made the dads feel sick)- they really like that when they are seemingly  tougher than the adult.  We went to a special effects show, met animal actors at the animal show and Maggie got to participate.  

If you look really carefully you can see the Hollywood sign, the kids were very excited to see it.

Marilyn made out of Jelly Bellies at an awesome candy store.

I was happy the older kids didn't act too cool for Dora because the little ones really wanted to have their picture taken with her and wouldn't have without the older girls.

Love Summer's face in this one.
  These two were taken at Santa Monica pier- it was very cold and windy.  We didn't last long.
 Lounging by the pool at our hotel and having such fun swimming.

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