Friday, November 19, 2010

California- Disneyland

We are back from California to the reality of selling our house (no fun) but the end result will be!  We had a fantastic time in California, it was way more beautiful than I thought it would be.  The mountains and the ocean are so prominent.  I really thought Carlsbad was beautiful.  There were so many healthy looking people from the surfers, the cyclists and the runners- even the barefoot runner Trina and I followed during one of our runs.   Skylar kept saying "it looks just like it does in the cartoons".  Too funny.  The kids had so much fun, Skylar loved the thrilling roller coasters, Summer (like her mommy) liked the medium rides although she did do a few of the thrillers and scary rides.  Summer also loved all the birds, flowers and plants she kept seeing. They had fun with their friends, got to swim most days, and we had beautiful weather.
We are back to -20 here and snow- brrr it feels cold.  I keep telling myself to go for a run outside then I bring the girls to school and somehow I end up on the treadmill instead.

 The wolf at the Edmonton airport- we have a few versions of this photo now.

The rocky mountains on the way into Vancouver (photo courtesy of Skylar)

This is a new one- at Vancouver airport.

The happiest place on earth.  Notice the colour of the sky.  Every day it looked like that- no wonder it's the happiest place on earth.

 Before Space Mountain- Sky's face represents how I felt.  She was jumping up and down afterward and just wanted to get back in the line and go again- Summer and I not so much.

The teacups 

She loves her horses!

 Gotta love these silly people. 

 I need one of these at home.

 Dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.  I love how we can take the girls out to eat and they have so much fun drawing or playing together (most of the time).

That was the first day at Disneyland- before the McGuires came.  It may take me many more days of blogging to cover the trip or I'll have to learn how to edit a little more.

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