Tuesday, November 16, 2010

San Francisco

I survived the flight to San Francisco!  We had a great time, the expo was fun and the Nike store even better.  I was definitely inspired to run another half marathon- not another full one for a while.  Nat did great on the hilly run, she looked happy through the whole race and of course glowing at the finish line!

 Can you see Nat's name here?  This is outside the Nike store, a list of all the participants in the race.

Awesome market outside the ferry market building.  The food was so yummy at this market.

The ferry market building.

Sea lions on the wharf.

This was the ceiling in the Nordstrom store- so beautiful.

Pre race dinner for the runners and pre race dinner for the support crew (me).  Delicious!!

Race morning Nat and Karen.

And she's finished and she's happy!  Thank goodness- cause I was freezing.  It rained for the second half of the race.

This place we stumbled upon on our trek to see the Golden gate bridge.  It was beautiful.  There were artists setting up to sketch.

Still trekking to the Golden gate.

And finally we made it (and caught a taxi back).

We then made our way to Lombard street- which is much longer and steeper than you would think.  All the stairmaster workouts I've been doing didn't seem to help at all.

Our view from inside the cable car.

A very tired Nat- who indulged me the day after her marathon and walked all over the city with me sightseeing and shopping.  Thanks.

Thanks Nat for a great long weekend in San Francisco.

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